Paris, France Possibly the most amazing city in Europe

On a recent trip to Paris in the fall with a dear friend, we took in the sights and sounds of the French capital, to our great pleasure.


The challenge was great, little time and to see as much as possible since it was this friend’s first time to great Paris!

Fall weather in western Europe can often be grey but nonetheless magical.


Paris is a walking or biking city, both of which we did a great amount of. Its history can be literally seen everywhere.PARIS.10As we walked the streets, we caught up on many stories that needed to be shared (since we no longer live in the same city or country)… often we found ourselves inspired to stop in cafes, just because… One of my favorite things to do!PARIS.24PARIS.18PARIS.17PARIS.19PARIS.21




PARIS.20PARIS.16As night fell, shopping and taking cover from the coolness of the dropping temperatures became a must, to none other than one of my favorite Parisian cafes… Cafe de Flore.PARIS.3PARIS.2.PARIS.1After many hours of catching up and enjoying the local fare, we made new friends. They had a car and we were off for a stroll on the town and to see more sights!PARIS.6PARIS.7PARIS.4Paris is magical by day or by night and for me, it is hard to choose which I prefer. For certain pockets of the city, by day is better, such as these neighborhoods filled with beautiful sights inside and outside, your eyes are never bored in the French capital.
PARIS.8PARIS.9PARIS.11PARIS.22The highlight and lady of the city however is of course the beautiful Eiffel Tower.  The key is to find local streets to shoot it from a bit afar and in Parisian context. PARIS.13PARIS.14PARIS.15Oh Paris, you make me happy!PARIS.12I cannot wait to visit this beautiful city once again soon!